Frequently Asked Questions about EFT & Trauma

What is EFT tapping?

EFT tapping, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a somatic healing modality that draws from the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of working with the energy pathways called meridians that run through the body, head to toe.

EFT tapping is easy to learn, simple to perform, and is a powerful stress management coping skill that can be done anywhere, anytime.

Meridian end points, located at specific locations of the body, are repeatedly tapped with their fingers while the person engages emotionally with a difficult or distressing experience through recollection of the event or during the event itself. The EFT trainer guides the person in creating a series of statements, called tapping scripts, that counteract the old belief and reaction. By repeating these scripts while tapping the meridian end points with their fingers, the person is able to break the old pattern and is released from its hold on their emotional and mental state.

Learn more about Flow State Techniques™, Wayne Tuttle’s proprietary approach to EFT training.

What is trauma and how does EFT help alleviate trauma symptoms?

Merriam Webster defines trauma as “a disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury.” Symptoms of unresolved or unhealed trauma range from social anxiety, depression, and insomnia to hopelessness and suicidal ideation.

EFT helps alleviate trauma symptoms by breaking the emotional patterns stuck in the body. Often the person experiences such relief after tapping that they feel euphoric, unable to remember why they felt so strongly about the past experience in the first place.

Learn more about the benefits of EFT.

How does EFT help with PTSD symptoms?

Many symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder (ASD) are the result of negative or distressing emotions and thoughts associated with a past traumatic experience. EFT is a valuable tool for helping a person break the energetic pattern around the traumatic experience and dissolve its power over one’s emotional and mental health.

A PTSD diagnosis is not needed for EFT tapping to be effective. For a person suffering from anxiety, depression, insomnia, anger, or hopelessness due to any kind of traumatic stress, tapping can provide almost instantaneous relief. For some, only until a healed point can the management of life skills really begin.

Read more about EFT.

What is MST?

MST stands for Military Sexual Trauma. MST and military sexual assault can both result in many of the same acute trauma symptoms as PTSD: hopelessness, anger, anxiety, depression, and more.

EFT tapping can help break the trauma pattern held within the person’s body, allowing them to heal and regain control of their lives.

Read more about EFT.

Are EMDR and EFT similar?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and EFT are both somatic healing techniques that assist people in healing from the symptoms of emotional distress and trauma. Both help a person process traumatic memories. EMDR does this through eye movement, while EFT does it through tapping on the end points of energy meridians throughout the head, chest, and hands.

Both are powerful tools for relief from and healing of traumatic memories.

Read more about EFT.

Why is the current focus of the Tapping Hotline’s EFT training on working with groups?

The need for healing the mind, emotions, and body after a traumatic experience is great, especially among military veterans, law enforcement, first responders, and domestic violence victims.

Working with groups is a way for the Tapping Hotline EFT trainers to train the greatest number of people on EFT tapping in the shortest amount of time. 

Founder Wayne Tuttle is aware of the immediate need to provide traumatized groups with suicide prevention techniques. He feels the urgency to help as many as he can, as quickly as he can.

Learn more about the Tapping Hotline’s approach to EFT.

For those seeing a therapist, how would EFT fit in?

EFT is a practical and profound complement to traditional therapy. EFT provides people with a coping skill for managing their emotions and feeling more in control of their lives. EFT is focused on resolving and healing issues, like therapy is, and both together work in tandem to facilitate the process.

Learn more about hiring Wayne for EFT group training

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